Interview with Natalia Serova

I am a beginner oil artist. Mostly, these are interior paintings in the style of impressionism, landscapes, still lifes and portraits, and I also try myself in other style such as popart.

Now: Batumi, Georgia


When did you decide to devote your life to art as your main activity?

I devoted my life to art in 2018, after moving to Georgia, I got a lot of free time here, and since I loved to draw since childhood, I took up drawing professionally.

Natalia, what inspires you the most? Based on a lot of photos, you are an active plein-air artist and love to work in nature!

I am mainly inspired by colors, shades of nature, animals, people’s faces (their expression of emotions), children)

You moved to Georgia in 2018. What was the adaptation to the new conditions? What did you do as an artist – was it hard to find yourself in a new country?

In the years before the pandemic, before the war in Ukraine, they treated me well as a person, but not as an artist, since in Georgia they put up for sale, and for exhibitions, and in various art spaces only Georgian artists, but there are no people like me , so I met refusals everywhere. during the pandemic, I switched to various international online art spaces, where my work was highly appreciated, received many certificates, diplomas, accepted into international art associations, etc.

But the adaptation is taking place even now, since many expats have appeared in Georgia who are ready to buy my paintings and exhibit them in their own galleries already in Georgia.

At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, she took an open stance against the war. How has your art career changed since then?

To me, as a person of Russian nationality and as an artist, the attitude of Georgians has not changed. But my attitude has changed since the locals began to raise rental housing prices for everyone (including Ukrainians), I believe that it is necessary to help refugees and not make money on their grief.

I categorically do not support the war, and I try to help the refugees who arrived in Georgia with things and products. I also participate in rallies and actions against the war.

In your activity, there is not only teaching and master classes for children, but you also wrote a book. Tell readers how you combine so many directions and what you like most about teaching?

Yes, I like working with children. They all try very hard and are happy when they manage to draw beautifully. With the help of my techniques (described in the book), I like to look at them when they admire their drawings, when they did not expect from themselves that they seem to be able to draw like that.

When you work with joy and see the return of students, you want to work more efficiently, give more, and share my experience and knowledge with those who ask for it.

Very interesting to hear about your participation in exhibitions and art activities. After all, these are not only international exhibitions, like Art Revolution Taipei 2022. You are a numerous contest nominee, you have a solo exhibition in Tbilisi, and you are a member of the Pirosmani Association of Artists… Which of these events would you call the most significant?

International exhibition Art Revolution Taipei 2022 is a very significant event for me because, firstly, it is international, and secondly, two of my paintings were chosen out of 4700 paintings.

There were very few chances, but these two paintings that went to the exhibition are very dear to me and valuable since one of them depicts my beloved pet who is no longer with us (he is in heaven). The second painting is Batumi, the city where I live, which accepted me, for which I am very grateful.

A personal exhibition in Tbilisi is an unimaginable miracle for me. I did not even hope that the exhibition would take place because I had to fight for it to take place as such and for this event to appear on television, and all because of my nationality.

As a teacher and artist, what advice would you give to aspiring artists, regardless of their age?

Do not be afraid of anything, draw a lot and persistently, do not lose hope, and do not listen to those who speak against the drawing. You need to strive for your goals and not despair. Be grateful to those who sincerely help you.

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